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Will a standard USB adapter work in XBox 360?
Posted by Dale on 06 February 2009 01:43 AM
The answer is NO.

Xbox 360 have their own USB wireless dongle and you cannot use third party devices, this is so they make all the money themselves.

One good way to connect your Xbox 360 though without too many wires and costing a little less than the official usb dongle is to use home plugs. Basically you run a cable from your router into the homeplug which fits into a power socket in one room in your house, then in the room with the Xbox 360 plug another homeplug into the power socket and hardwire your Xbox 360 from the homeplug to the 360 using an ethernet cable.

This works out cheaper and is the same as having a wired connection without all the messy wires and is more reliable.

We sell homeplugs on below link :-
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